Gosia Cooks: Herring tartar

Here is the first post of our new culinary cycle: Gosia Gotuje.
This is a Christmas recipe for Herring tartare.
Serving size: 4 people Preparation time: 30 minutes
500 g of herring fillets in oil
200 g of pickled mushrooms
4 pickled cucumbers
french mustard
1 red onion
lemon juice
pepper to taste

- Dry the herring fillets from the oil with a kitchen towel and dice them. Add lemon juice, a teaspoon of mustard, and pepper. Stir and refrigerate.
- Dice the remaining ingredients: onion, pickled cucumbers, chive and marinated mushrooms into small cubes (smaller than a herring).
- Put the ingredients in layers in the jar.
Delicious and beautifully presented herring tartare can be served on the festive table. Enjoy your meal!
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